How To Grow Spathiphyllum Floribundum?

spathiphyllum floribundum

Have you ever seen a flower that looks like corn? Yes, there is a plant that has the exact shape of corn. This plant is known as Spathiphyllum floribundum. It is a sunflower with a large leaf behind it, giving it a very attractive look.

Spathiphyllum floribundum first originated from South America. The overall size of this plant is average. The leaves of this plant are oval and about 12-20 cm long and 5-9 cm broad.

The flower has small white dots that gloom in daylight, giving the sunflower a beautiful appearance. Suppose you plan to grow this plant in your backyard or your house.

In that case, you must follow some guidelines as they are quite necessary for the growth of Spathiphyllum floribundum. 

Spathiphyllum Floribundum

Caring for Spathiphyllum Floribundum


Unlike other plants, Spathiphyllum floribundum is a kind of plant that is shy from sunlight. By this phrase, I mean that this plant is not a big fan of bright sunlight as it prefers semi-shaded to fully shaded places. Full bright sunlight can be a cause of death for Spathiphyllum floribundum.

Bright sunlight can be deadly, as it burns the plant’s leaves and restricts them from growing. The best way to save your plant from sunlight is to keep your plant indoors or in your garage. This does not mean that you hide your plant from sunlight continuously. This plant’s average amount of sunlight is around 2-3 hours per day at max. 


Spathiphyllum floribundum has another name that is peace lilies. This means that it is a delicate plant and should have the best growing requirements. This plant requires soil that is loose and well-aerated. Well-aerated means that the soil must be able to let the air pass through easily.

Moreover, the soil must be able to let water pass through quickly. The reason is that if water gets logged up on the soil, it will lead to root rot and other diseases. Good soil has different ranges. The most suitable soil for Spathiphyllum floribundum is compost mixed with decomposed foliage leaves and sand.


Watering every plant has been a challenge to many plant owners. Luckily, the watering process of Spathiphyllum floribundum is a bit easy. To have the best growth, you should check the surface of your plant’s soil. If it is dried up, you’ll have to water it.

In other words, the soil of your Spathiphyllum floribundum should always remain a bit moist. If your plant is kept in a place with direct sunlight, then it is advisable to water it consistently. However, if you’re growing your plant in a tropical region or a shady place, it won’t be necessary to water your plant daily. 

Temperature and Humidity 

The most interesting fact about Spathiphyllum floribundum is that it doesn’t have a required temperature or humidity level. One needs to know extreme conditions. The temperature in which this plant thrives is around 18–35 degree centigrade.

The problem occurs when temperatures drop or increase from this range. If this happens, your plant could get frostbite or burn.

Humidity also isn’t a big concern for this plant. Spathiphyllum floribundum thrives at places where there is an adequate amount of humidity. The humidity keeps the soil moist, which is perfect for this plant. 


The best time during which one can fertilize their plant is in spring and summer. It is the best time because Spathiphyllum floribundum and all the plants thrive the fastest during this period. Hence, giving them a nudge as fertilizer would enhance the growing process. One thing that should be kept in mind is that Spathiphyllum floribundum is sensitive to salt; hence a highly concentrated fertilizer may destroy it. 


The best method of propagation for Spathiphyllum floribundum has been through its seeds. After germinating your plant’s seed, you should keep it in a small bale containing peat so that the seed grows. After a while, you’ll notice that small roots are growing, and that would be an indication of successful propagation. 

Pests Diseases And Plant Diseases

Pests are quite good friends of every other plant out there. The same is with Spathiphyllum floribundum. Red spiders and mites can often give an unpleasant visit to your plant. These pests get stuck on your plant and eat the leaves, roots, or even worse. It would be best if you got rid of them through special measures. These measures include spraying water and certain medicines. It is to be noted that the medicine should always be used with water, or the high concentration of the medicine can ruin the plant.

The common types of plant diseases include root rot and black root. These occur due to overwatering and lack of care. One should monitor the watering and sunlight cycle for their Spathiphyllum floribundum, as these diseases can kill your plant.

Bottom Line

The above guidelines are for growing a perfect Spathiphyllum floribundum in your home. It may sound quite hard at the start, but as soon as you get the hang of it, it will get easy and comfortable. Hope this information comes useful. 

About author

Alice Cheung

Alice Cheung is a freelance writer for the Guridio. Alice curates many of our Garden and Kitchen cooking-related articles to assist readers in making life an interesting process.

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